Below is a list of my publications and associated resources. You can also see a list of my papers on Google Scholar.

Grima LL, Panayi MC, Härmson O, Syed ECJ, Manohar SG, Husain M, & Walton ME (2022). Nucleus accumbens D1-receptors regulate and focus transitions to reward-seeking action. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47, 1721–1731. Links to paper, data, and code repositories.

Härmson O*, Grima LL*, Panayi MC, Husain M, & Walton ME (2022). 5-HT2C receptor perturbation has bidirectional influence over instrumental vigour and restraint. Psychopharmacology, 239, 123–140. Link to paper.

Chong TTJ, Apps M, Giehl K, Sillence A, Grima LL, & Husain M (2017). Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying subjective valuation of effort costs. PLoS Biology, 15(2) e1002598. Link to paper.

Syed ECJ, Grima LL, Magill PJ, Bogacz R, Brown P, & Walton ME (2016). Action initiation shapes mesolimbic dopamine encoding of future rewards. Nature Neuroscience, 19(1) 34-36. Link to paper and data.

Apps MAJ, Grima LL, Manohar S, & Husain M (2015). The role of cognitive effort in subjective reward devaluation and risky decision-making. Scientific Reports, 5(1) 1-11. Link to paper.